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MAY,18,2019 - MAY,19,2019
О событии


  •  Multidisciplinary approach in modern science

  •  Poliyprofile medicine

  • Biomedicine, biorheology and biotechnology

  • Biochemistry and biophysics in fundamental and clinical medicine. Micro- and nanobiomechanics

  • Innovation methods. Biological, mathematical and IT technological models. Bioinformatics

  •  Economical aspect in biomedicine. Blockchain and Pyton in medicine. Numerical medicine

  • Role of bio-materials in biomedicine

  • Theoretical, clinical and ecological toxicology

  • Radiology and radiation safety

  • Food, biologically active substances, medicaments and health

  • The brain and its functions and regulations 

- Sleep-wakefulness cycle

- Pain and analgesia

- Behavior and cognitive functions

- Stress

- Experimental and clinical neurology

- Neurophysiology

- Ultra- and Nanoarchitecture

  • Cell membrane, content structures and functionality. Mechanisms of aggregation and deformation. Genome

  • Blood, blood flow, blood circulation in physiology and pathology

  • Thrombus and stasis formation

  • Theoretical hemodynamics and hemorheology

  •  Clinical hemoreology (cardiovascular, neurological, oncological and other diseases)

  •  The rheology of oil products, oils, grocery and building materials





Spikers about Conference

            As the head of the Cadriological direction in Ukraine, I narrate the multidisciplinary of biomedicine is of particular practical importance for clinical medicine and for cardiology, neurology, and diabetes, especially. Without fundamental modern knowledge of biomedicine, science can not develop. We have been cooperating with Professor Mantskava since 1989. We have many joint projects, we often organized joint meetings and conferences. It is very important for us to participate in International Multidisciplinary Conference on biomedicine (BIOMED-2019), as it is useful to us on the one hand, and on the other hand we can share our experience in clinical rheology with Georgian colleagues and guests of the conference. [Prof. Victoria Lishnevskaya Zarinova]

            Project of BIOMED -2019 in Georgia is method for the organization of an educational process in biomedicine area. The method's flexible technology of conference structuring , module structure, individual approach to composition of topics' contents in compliance with recent developments in science and labour market ensures the enhancement of education quality. We repeatedly hold international meetings and conferences. I and my colleagues conducted 15 international conferences at Biomechanics. (Last 2018, 4-8 December). Prof. Mantskava participate as organizers in our conferences always. Our participation in International Multidisciplinary conference of biomedicine is a logical continuation of our collegiality and partnership. [Acad. Nyashin Yuriy]. 

          The Lisbon State University Lisbon Hospital,  of European Society of Rheology in Portugal organizes Annual International Meetings on multidisciplinary sciences, the Society of Rheology of Georgia is always the co-organizer of join meetings.  International Multidisciplinary Conference on Biomedicine will address the fundamental issues of medicine and physiology, also actuality points of rheology. I, Professor Mantskava from Georgia, Professor Nyashin from Finland (His place of work: Finland and Russia), Professor Antonova from Bulgaria, Professor Lishnevskaya from Ukraine will ensure the multidisciplinary of the conclusions during conference. This is very important for the modern development of science (H2020). I believe that the International Multidisciplinary Conference on biomedicine (BiomedicineBatumi19) will be a high-level event, which I will participate. [Prof. Carlota Saldanha]​

About Host Organizations

Ivane Beritashvili Experimental Center of Experimental Biomedicine represents the structure of Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia. The priorities of the Center are fundamental and applied research, sustainability of a research, internationalization and popularization of science, continuity of education, knowledge transfer. Continual updating of existing infrastructure, material-technical base, attracting new staff and international cooperation facilitate to the high level conduction of scientific, scientific-practical and educational components. The aim of the Center is to integrate into existing consortia and to create an international consortium, expanding relations with business sector, commercialization, clusterisation, raising awareness and rating of the Center in the European and American scientific and industrial circles. At present, Ivane Beritashvili Center of Experimental Biomedicine is one of the strongest institutions in which multidisciplinary researches and interdisciplinary studies are carried out. Ivane Beritashvili Center of Experimental Biomedicine is the largest multi-profile conglomerate in the Caucasus Region.


The Mission of Tbilisi State Medical University is Creation/development and dissemination of new knowledge based on high quality teaching, research and professional training at undergraduate and postgraduate levels of medical education; Participation in the enhancement of population quality of life, improvement of Health Care system and its effectiveness; Providing the graduates with knowledge and skills necessary for their harmonious integration in national and international professional communities. The principle of continuum in medical education at Tbilisi State Medical University is ensured with broad scale activity of undergraduate, postgraduate - residency and continuous professional development programs, also the programs of qualification improvement for medical and academic staff. Teaching of fundamental and clinical sciences as well as research at Tbilisi State Medical University in Georgian, English, Russian. Tbilisi State Medical University is the leader in Georgia and will further continue to strengthen its leading position as an internationally recognized medical education and research hub in the country and the Caucasus Region.


International Society of Rheology in Georgia is the first accredited institution which conducts fundamental, multidisciplinary applied and fundamental research in the direction of biomedicine in a comprehensive manner, cooperating with state agencies and the business sector. The main goal of Society is to actively conduct fundamental basic researches, and all activities associated with them; сrossdisciplinary review and dissemination of results, creation of new technologies, establishment of innovations and commercialization, industrialization, involvement of all levels in educational activity, popularization of research at international level, knowledge transfer. International Society of Rheology cooperates with modern clinical laboratories, high-tech scientific and industrial centers, hubs, accelerators, innovative incubators in Georgia and abroad, which provides multidisciplinary international researches in physiology, biology, medicine, pharmacy, physics, chemistry, mathematics, engineering, IT technologies, nutrition, building materials, oil industry. International Society of Rheology in Georgia is a part of the World Association of Rheology and Society of European Clinical Hemorheology.

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